Sunday 12 April 2015


Red chard is a new vegetable for me. I bought the plants at the tail end of last year. A remnants sale in the local garden centre.
Really for some sort of bio-load in the grow bed over winter.
The last few weeks with the warmer weather they have been growing like crazy. 
So Sunday both of us have a day off. Real food tonight!
 Instinctively I turn to the Mediterranean for inspiration.   
Finley chop  a shallot onion and four cloves of garlic.
I am always an enthusiastic user of garlic. Long ago I had a garlic crusher gadget. Today I crush it with the blade of the knife and then chop. If in doubt add another clove.
Fry in half and half butter/olive oil.
Strip the leaves from the chard.
Roughly chop the stems. Add to the pan.
Pour a full glass of good white wine.
Two good swallows should leave you with a half glass.
Add this exact amount to the pan.
Reduce. Add the chopped chard leaves, half a hand full of grated  Parmesan cheese and stir.
Finish off with a squeezing half a lemon.
By the time you have washed your hands it’s ready.
As I said this is a new vegetable for me. If you have a favorite recipe I would love to hear it.


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